To trademark infringer:
"XFD" trademark is owned by Liu Wang, legal person of Jiangsu Xinfuda Electric Co., LTD. The trademark registration number is 10090265. Since the approval and registration of this trademark, "XFD" trademark has been used in the production and sales of high and low voltage cabinets, switchboards, distribution boxes and transformers and other commodities. Through publicity and reports, it has gained considerable popularity.
If your company's official website and external publicity are suspected to use "XFD" trademark, any unauthorized use of our company's trademark brand without complying with relevant regulations of our company, nor purchase from our company, there will be major business risks and hidden dangers of intellectual property rights, which will seriously affect the goodwill and brand value of our company.
We hereby solemnly inform you that you shall immediately stop using the same or similar trademark with "XFD" and destroy all infringing goods and trademark logos, advertising materials, publicity materials and other infringing articles. Without authorization and permission of our company/legal person, we will solve any behaviors of using "XFD" trademark, infringing our exclusive right of trademark and affecting our company's goodwill through legal channels.
I hereby inform you!
Jiangsu Xinfuda Electric Co. LTD
February 01, 2023
The specific letter is as follows: